帳號 | |
舊密碼 |
新密碼 |
1.字串長度在 8 ~ 16 個字母之間
2.至少有一個大寫或小寫英文字母 3.至少有一個數字 4.至少有一個特殊符號 密碼由8~16位數字和字符所組成,請牢記.
Your password must follow these 4 rules:
1) Your password must be between 8 and 16 characters. 2) Your password must contain at least one uppercase, or capital, letter (ex: A, B, etc.) , or lowercase letter 3) Your password must contain at least one number digit (ex: 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.) 4) Your password must contain at least one special character -for example: @, $, #, !,%,^,&,*,(,) |
再輸入一次新密碼 |
密碼,再次確認您的密碼. Confirm Password |
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Hello! Account expiration extension EMAIL has been sent to your email address, Please log in to EMAIL as soon as possible to open the email and confirm the validity period of the account.